Kfir Gavrieli is the founder and C.E.O of Tieks and
Gavrieli Foundation. Tieks is an innovative fashion brand firm dealing with women’s ballet
and foldable leather flats. Due to the brand’s production and distribution of
good quality, comfortable and affordable flats, it has gained recognition
worldwide for its success.
Furthermore, Tieks businesses operate only online
via their website. He bases his success on the fact that he looks at the
business with an innovative and creative approach. Additionally, Kfir Gavrieli is a calculated risk-taker. From the fledgling phases of his business, the entrepreneur employed a
direct consumer business model, which was new at the time but yielded great
However, for Kfir Gavrieli, it is about his business being successful, making
profits, and uplifting livelihoods in communities. With his kind and selfless
nature and Tieks’ success, he has been able to create Kfir Gavrieli Foundation,
a charity organization. The foundation invests in helping and empowering women
at the community level. Moreover, the foundation strikes as KIVA’s largest loan
provider. KIVA is an online organization giving microloans to ambitious
entrepreneurs facing poverty all around the world. Forbes, Entrepreneur, and
The Oprah Winfrey Show rewarded Tieks’ effort by recognizing and featuring it.
Besides all this, he also played a crucial role in
the fight against COVID-19 pandemic at bay. After learning of PPE shortages, he
encouraged everyone at Tieks to produce facemasks. He also collaborated with
other businesses to secure N95 masks, which were then donated to health
providers. He further went ahead and started a social media campaign
#SewTogether. He mobilized Tieks supporters and customers using the campaign to
sew and donate more than one million masks across the country. These efforts led
to him being recognized as a community hero. He believes in acts of kindness
and people helping each other in society. See related link for more information.
Like his Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/kfir.gavrieli/